Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

  • DGA PEA (Exploratory Study Program) contract (2011-2012): « PREVA - Security of the ad hoc routing protocols in the context of future tactical military networks »

    During the DGA-funded PREVA project ending in January 2013, we analyzed secure ad hoc routing in the context of military tactical networks. We first analyzed which routing protocols were the most suited for each type of tactical networks (Joint and Sub-Joint Tactical Groups, vehicular ad hoc networks, Futur Integrated Soldier Technologies (FIST) troopers and sensor networks assisting the troopers). We also considered the various security technologies (both crypto-based proactive mechanisms and intrusion detection-based reactive mechanims) that could be used to protect each selected ad hoc routing protocols. Finally, we built a demonstrator implementing the various selected protocols and security mechanisms.

    This study is led in cooperation with OPEN, an IT service provider located in Rennes.

  • DGA contract (2012-2013): « CAPALID »

    The CAPALID project aims at building a state of the art of off-the-shelf solutions for supervision systems in distributed environments. Our work was at first to make a state of the art of the research activities for Intrusion detection systems, correlation systems and visualization systems. On a second phase, the goal was to define an assessment methodology of these types of tools. Finally, this methodology will be applied by Amossys, our partner in the project, to evaluate the best off-the-shelf tools that have been retained in the context of the project. This study is led in cooperation with Amossys, a SME located in Rennes.

  • Technicolor contract (2011-2014): « Data Aggregation in Large Scale Systems »

    The theme of this contract focuses on the management of massively distributed data sets. Briefly, our goal is to provide a lightweight yet continuous flow of aggregate and relevant data from a very large number of distributed sources to a management system. Collaborative data aggregation are relevant mechanisms that could help in securely providing digests of information. However, an important aspect that we want to preserve is the privacy of the aggregated information. This is of particular interest for Telco operators or software/hardware providers in order to smoothly manage the current state of their deployed platforms, allowing accordingly to develop new applications based on quick reactions/optimizations to identify and handle services inconsistencies.

    This study is conducted in cooperation with the Inria project Dionysos.